While cutting grass on the riding John Deere this evening, I had to get off to move something and then get back on. When I flopped back down I heard a snapping sound and felt my backside almost slip off the frame. One might guess that I wasn't happy about that. With my schedule overflowing with family and church responsibilities, I first thought that repairing it would require ordering parts or taking it in to the dealer. And yet, the whole breakage turned into a really satisfying, gratifying, and pleasing (yes, it's redundant but it's better than seven exclamation points in a row).
Why did the episode turn out so great? Let me explain. Last week, my 3 months of having a foot cast came to an end, finally allowing me to address my garage issue. The issue, simply, was that it was a complete wreck. My broken foot kept me from the early summer cleaning and also meant that things kept getting stacked on top of one another. One could hardly make a path.
Once free from my cast I immediately dug in, spending an easy 25-30 hours cleaning, sorting, building shelves, painting, etc. 90% of the work is now done. So, how does this relate to my broken John Deere?
My cleaned out garage allowed me to roll my mower right to my work bench and tool area. Every one of the seven or eight necessary tools were at my fingertips; newly installed lights were aimed right at my work; my previously fixed fan was keeping me cool; the bolts, lock washers, and nuts required for the fix were quickly located. There was absolutely no need to search for anything! No moving things around to make space! I had quickly assessed the situation and made the repair in less than 15 minutes.
There's much to be said about order and neatness; and for me there's great satisfaction in being able to take care of one's home and equipment.